
Posts Tagged ‘Air-Heads abound at Loew’s and Groom and Son’

"Young pretties working home-improvement counters of local hardware stores" copyright 2015 John J. Rigo.  Image courtesy of Google Image Search

“Young pretties working home-improvement counters of local hardware stores” copyright 2015 John J. Rigo. Image courtesy of Google Image Search

"Give me the older, more mature home improvement order personnel in hardware stores" copyright 2015 John J. Rigo.  Image Courtesy of Google Image Search

“Give me the older, more mature home improvement order personnel in hardware stores” copyright 2015 John J. Rigo. Image Courtesy of Google Image Search

I have been a resident of Gun Barrel City, eight years now.  Six of those eight years as a weekender, the last two as a retiree (If I ever get thru my wife’s project goal lists).  Generally when it comes to any purchase of a home improvement project or supply over a hundred dollars, I generally get three bids for the items and or work.

What I have observed lately is a disturbing tread in home improvement stores in the area, to wit, Loew’s and Groom and Son in Gun Barrel City and Mabank respectfully.  Both stores seems to have their order counters abounding in young pretties, woman 25-30, who in my humble opinion are “Air-Heads.”  They have no place behind the counter of a hardware store of any kind.

It must be a new marketing approach of upper management and owners of these local franchisees in the area.  Truthfully, as an old crusty business man in my early 70’s, I do not think with what is between my legs when it comes to spending my money.  I am not impressed with pretty young things attempting to do price quotes or handle my home or farm improvement projects for my homes or investments in the area.

Give me the “Old Days” when that counter sales person was a “Crusty-Individual” like me, who actually knew what they were talking about and doing in that profession.  Lowe’s and Groom and Son in the Cedar Creek lake area of East Texas, get back to being professional again!

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